Church Creeds and Confessions Religion Mar 13 Written By Guest User Ancient EraThe Apostles CreedNotes: on the Apostles CreedThe Athanasian Creed (c 500 AD)Canon of Council of Orange (529 AD)Creeds and Statements from the period after 600 ADCreeds from the BibleNicene Creed: As approved by the Nicaean council (325 AD)Nicene Creed: From The Divine Liturgy of St John ChrysostomNicene Creed: the Creed of Constantinople (381 AD)Notes on the Nicene CreedNotes on the Filioque Clause ControversyThe Church in the Nicene CreedThe Definition of Chalcedon (451 AD)Reformation EraDocuments of the Protestant ReformationLuther's 95 ThesesThe Canons and Decrees of TrentThe Canons of Dort (1618)The Scottish Confession of FaithThe Second Helvetic Confession (1566)The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion (1571)The Westminster Confession of FaithThe Westminster Larger CatechismThe Westminster Shorter CatechismModern EraBaptist Faith and Message (1963)Catechism of the Catholic ChurchChicago Statement on Biblical InerrancyDoctrinal Position of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod (1932)Keach's Catechism of 1677Second London Confession of 1677 (approv. 1689)Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Abstract of Principles & MoreSouthern Baptist Abstract of Principles (1858)Spurgeon's Catechism of 1855The Cambridge Declaration of 1996The Decrees of the 1st Vatican Council (1880)The Documents of Vatican IIThe Montreal Declaration of Anglican Essentials (1994)The New Hampshire Baptist Confession of 1833 Guest User
Church Creeds and Confessions Religion Mar 13 Written By Guest User Ancient EraThe Apostles CreedNotes: on the Apostles CreedThe Athanasian Creed (c 500 AD)Canon of Council of Orange (529 AD)Creeds and Statements from the period after 600 ADCreeds from the BibleNicene Creed: As approved by the Nicaean council (325 AD)Nicene Creed: From The Divine Liturgy of St John ChrysostomNicene Creed: the Creed of Constantinople (381 AD)Notes on the Nicene CreedNotes on the Filioque Clause ControversyThe Church in the Nicene CreedThe Definition of Chalcedon (451 AD)Reformation EraDocuments of the Protestant ReformationLuther's 95 ThesesThe Canons and Decrees of TrentThe Canons of Dort (1618)The Scottish Confession of FaithThe Second Helvetic Confession (1566)The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion (1571)The Westminster Confession of FaithThe Westminster Larger CatechismThe Westminster Shorter CatechismModern EraBaptist Faith and Message (1963)Catechism of the Catholic ChurchChicago Statement on Biblical InerrancyDoctrinal Position of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod (1932)Keach's Catechism of 1677Second London Confession of 1677 (approv. 1689)Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Abstract of Principles & MoreSouthern Baptist Abstract of Principles (1858)Spurgeon's Catechism of 1855The Cambridge Declaration of 1996The Decrees of the 1st Vatican Council (1880)The Documents of Vatican IIThe Montreal Declaration of Anglican Essentials (1994)The New Hampshire Baptist Confession of 1833 Guest User